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Pan's labyrinth


Pan's labyrinth

This enthralling novel, inspired by the 2006 film, illustrates that fantasy is the sharpest tool to explore the terrors and miracles of the human heart

You shouldn't come in here. You could get lost. It has happened before. I'll tell you the story one day, if you want to hear it.

In fairy tales, there are men and there are wolves, there are beasts and dead parents, there are girls and forests.

Ofelia knows all this, like any young woman with a head full of stories. And she sees right away what the Capitán is, in his immaculate uniform, boots and gloves, smiling: a wolf.

But nothing can prepare her for the fevered reality of the Capitán's eerie house, in the midst of a dense forest which conceals many things: half-remembered stories of lost babies; renegade resistance fighters hiding from the army; a labyrinth; beasts and fairies.

There is no one to keep Ofelia safe as the labyrinth beckons her into her own story, where the monstrous and the human are inextricable, where myths pulse with living blood ...

Biografía del autor:

El mexicano Guillermo del Toro es uno de los realizadores con mayor proyección internacional. Un cineasta original, inventor de ambientaciones cargadas de simbolismo, donde transcurren historias protagonizadas por personajes a medio camino entre lo real y lo irreal. Ha dirigido, entre otras, El espinazo del diablo (2001), El laberinto del Fauno (ganador, en 2007, del Goya al mejor guión original), Hellboy (2004) y Hellboy II (2008); ha producido El orfanato. El mundo del cómic, los monstruos y los personajes fantásticos son referencias estéticas inconfundibles de este autor.


Fecha publicación 01-07-2019

Edición : 1

Número de páginas : 320

ISBN : 978-1-5266-0957-1

Encuadernación: RUSTICA (TAPA BLANDA)

Tamaño:  0 x 0

Idioma: Inglés

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