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Harley Davidson book, The


Harley Davidson book, The

They are a two-wheeled symbol of freedom: no other motorcycle brand in the world has the nearly mystical reputation of a Harley-Davidson. For more than a hundred years, this American classic from Milwaukee has shaped the motorcycle world. The fascination centers on the typical 45-degree, V2 engine. Over time, single-cylinder engines have come and gone from the Harley lineup, but the two-cylinder engine has been the defining style. Like a sculpture, it sits deep in the intricate tubular steel frame an aesthetic revelation...and an auditory one as well. Once you ve heard the gruff babbling of an Early Shovel, you re addicted for life! This book concept and design by Michael Köckritz, editor-in-chief of ramp magazine is about the power and beauty of the engines and the elegance and strength of these machines from Lake Michigan. It is an homage to the flatheads, knuckleheads, panheads, ironheads, the shovels and Evolutions, and the modern-day fuel injectors. Gliding on the roads with such an inspired feeling that will surely carry from today into the future, The Harley-Davidson Book is a visual journey through a tradition deeply rooted in the spirit of freedom of the USA. What would Easy Rider be without its iconic heroes, Billy Bike and Captain America, the most famous motorcycles in the world? This free-wheeling attitude is conveyed in opulent, photo-rich stories and articles about the unique Harley-Davidson lifestyle. It s a road movie you can experience yourself, vibrating like an old knucklehead in its rigid frame.

Biografía del autor:

Editorial TENEUES

Fecha publicación 01-12-2017

Edición : 1

Número de páginas : 224

ISBN : 978-3-9617102-3-2

Encuadernación: TAPA DURA

Tamaño:  0 x 0

Idioma: Inglés

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