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Porsche book, The. "The best Porsche images"


Porsche book, The.

This turbo-charged book, now available in a beautifully produced, small format edition, is an exciting thrill ride for all lovers of the Porsche experience. As you browse, you embark on a nostalgic, image-packed journey through the annals of high-performance motor engineering and design. The book's dynamic layout and design capture every element of these ultimate rides--power, freedom and speed. Captivated from the first glance, you will keep coming back for more! After a while, the book becomes like your own personal road movie as the sights and sounds come to life. Revel in innovative images of all the most famous Porsches--shot in glamorous locales across the globe.

Biografía del autor:

Editorial TENEUES

Fecha publicación 01-07-2016

Edición : 1

Número de páginas : 0

ISBN : 978-3-8327-3387-2

Encuadernación: TAPA DURA

Tamaño:  0 x 0

Idioma: Inglés

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