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Sustainable habitat in the utopia of the competition


Sustainable habitat in the utopia of the competition

Sustainable settlement and living are a new and topical challenge for architects, as it requires a significant rethinking process of the paradigms of the project, geared towards a more complex interpretation of the quality of the habitat. This volume deals with this issue with an operational approach, through an integrated research and project experience.

Continuity , Topo-logics , The Everyday , Production , Hybridisation and Sustainability? are the issues that have been explored in-depth and that underlie nine proposals for sustainable habitats developed by the authors in international competitions. Such issues represent the theoretical background behind the approach to the project, that is ever vaster and more multi-faceted, where the concept of sustainability is interpreted through the strong relationship existing with traditional cultures and the modern living experiences in the Mediterranean, with the critical regionalisms and the contemporary trends, within an innovative path of continuity.

Biografía del autor:

Blanca Mira es una novelista y guionista española, autora de & x0201C;Eraclea, la leyenda de la Semilla Dorada& x0201D;, una de las primeras light novel publicadas en España, y de novelas como & x0201C;Me enamoré mientras dormía& x0201D; o & x0201C;Después de los Polos& x0201D;. Como guionista, ganó el concurso de manga de Norma Editorial en dos ocasiones, con & x0201C;Ad Mortem& x0201D; (2015) y & x0201C;Heraldos& x0201D; (2019). Actualmente es autora de Planeta Manga con & x0201C;Good Game!& x0201D; (dibujada por Kaoru Okino) y ha logrado publicar una obra original en Japón con la editorial Square Enix. Sus experiencias a la hora de lanzarse a la aventura de publicar manga en Japón le sirvieron de inspiración para escribir la novela Planeta Manga. Japón: de estudiante a mangaka, con ilustraciones de Inma R.
Twitter: shirayukihimeh
Instagram: blanca mangaka


Fecha publicación 01-03-2018

Edición : 1

Número de páginas : 174

ISBN : 978-84-944786-9-7

Tamaño:  0 x 0

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