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Laura Lips in eye-catching idioms at work. "A visual aid with exercises included to help you easily remember English idioms in the workplace. (Humorous illustrations with idioms in context)"


Laura Lips in eye-catching idioms at work.

We are "pleased as punch" (very happy) to announce that our new book "Laura Lips in Eye-catching Idioms at work" has just been released!! This new book features over 70 idioms, activity worksheets, as well as a story. This is the first time that one of our books has included a story, and it s not just any story! It is all about an internship, including Laura Lips and her daughter Leah so perfect for older students. Perhaps you are thinking about going to work in an international company, or perhaps you are already working in an international company and you struggle to "get a grasp" (have an understanding) of what your colleagues are saying due to the amount of idioms they use. Well, we do not want you to be "kept in the dark" (clueless) which is why this book is a must for anyone looking to "brush up" (hone) and/or reinforce their knowledge of the English language.

Biografía del autor:

Blanca Mira es una novelista y guionista española, autora de & x0201C;Eraclea, la leyenda de la Semilla Dorada& x0201D;, una de las primeras light novel publicadas en España, y de novelas como & x0201C;Me enamoré mientras dormía& x0201D; o & x0201C;Después de los Polos& x0201D;. Como guionista, ganó el concurso de manga de Norma Editorial en dos ocasiones, con & x0201C;Ad Mortem& x0201D; (2015) y & x0201C;Heraldos& x0201D; (2019). Actualmente es autora de Planeta Manga con & x0201C;Good Game!& x0201D; (dibujada por Kaoru Okino) y ha logrado publicar una obra original en Japón con la editorial Square Enix. Sus experiencias a la hora de lanzarse a la aventura de publicar manga en Japón le sirvieron de inspiración para escribir la novela Planeta Manga. Japón: de estudiante a mangaka, con ilustraciones de Inma R.
Twitter: shirayukihimeh
Instagram: blanca mangaka


Fecha publicación 01-04-2016

Edición : 1

Número de páginas : 104

ISBN : 978-84-945354-0-6

Colección: | LAURA LIPS IN...

Encuadernación: RUSTICA (TAPA BLANDA)

Tamaño:  210 x 148

Idioma: Inglés

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