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Circus Mirandus


Circus Mirandus

Ephraim, el abuelo de Micah, siempre le ha contado maravillosas historias sobre el Circus Mirandus, un circo mágico que había visitado de niño. Pero ahora Ephraim se está muriendo, y la terrible tía abuela Gertrudis se ocupará de Micah. Toda la magia de la infancia de este parece desvanecerse, hasta que el abuelo le cuenta un gran secreto: el Circus Miranda es real, y el Domador de Luz, su mayor mago, le debe un milagro. Acompañado por su amiga Jenny Mendoza, Micah emprende un viaje en busca del circo y la única persona que puede salvar a su abuelo. El único problema es que el Domador de Luz no quiere cumplir su promesa. Y ahora el propio Micah será quien tenga que conseguir el milagro.

Biografía del autor:

DE LA WEB DE LA AUTORA cassiebeasley.com

Hi there!
I'm Cassie Beasley, the author of Circus Mirandus. It's a middle grade fantasy novel filled with powerful magic and family mysteries and invisible tigers and well, I guess you can tell that I'm pretty excited about my first book!
I live in rural Georgia with my best friend, who also happens to be my younger sister, Kate Beasley. She writes children's books too, which is every bit as convenient and lovely as it sounds.
I've written a little bit of everything over the past few years, including short stories and poems for adults, but I love reading and writing fiction for young people most of all. I earned my MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults at Vermont College of Fine Arts. It's a magical place for writerly sorts, and I had the opportunity to work with amazing mentors like Mark Karlins, Susan Fletcher, Martine Leavitt, and Uma Krishnaswami. (I've linked to their sites so that you can see all of the great stories they've written if you're interested.)
My agent is the brilliant Elena Giovinazzo of Pippin Properties.
Circus Mirandus has been published by Dial Books for Young Readers, an imprint of Penguin Random House. In the UK, it's available from Chicken House. You should be able to find it in your local bookstore, or you can order it from tons of places online!
Thanks for visiting my site. Have fun looking around, and if you have any questions feel free to contact me.


Fecha publicación 17-02-2016

Edición : 1

Número de páginas : 317

ISBN : 978-84-246-5686-7

Encuadernación: TAPA DURA

Tamaño:  215 x 150

Idioma: Castellano

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