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Maps, mummies, gods and gladiators "A2 - ESO 1"


Maps, mummies, gods and gladiators

Maps, Mummies, Gods and Gladiators takes an in-depth look at seven interesting topics related to geography and history, from life in the Yanomami tribe in the Amazon, to what it was like to be a gladiator in Ancient Rome. The book is particularly aimed at students in the first year of ESO, but the topics are of general interest, so it can be enjoyed by anyone who is learning English

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Fecha publicación 01-12-2015

Edición : 1

Número de páginas : 64

ISBN : 978-84-939346-9-9

Colección: | INSIGHT

Encuadernación: RUSTICA (TAPA BLANDA)

Tamaño:  200 x 130

Idioma: Inglés

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