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Odd hours


Odd hours

Odd Thomas knows more about the mysteries of the universe than the rest of us. He can see the lingering dead. He has learned that there are no coincidences. Even in chaos, there is order, purpose, and strange meaning. Intuition has brought Odd Thomas to the quaint town of Magic Beach on the California coast. In his desert home, Odd once found an ocean filled with love, and lost it. Now, scarred and alone, the only magic he finds by the vast, indifferent Pacific is in the name of the town where he has come to rest. As he waits to learn why he has been drawn to Magic Beach, he has found work as cook and assistant to a once-famous film actor who, at eighty, has become an eccentric with as long a list of fears as he has stories about Hollywood's golden days. Odd is having dreams of a red tide, vague but worrisome. But nothing prepares him for the hard truth of what he will discover. For in Magic Beach, he will come face to face with a form of evil that will test him as never before.

Biografía del autor:

DEAN KOONTZ (Everett, Pennsylvania, 1945) es uno de los autores más populares de Estados Unidos, gracias tanto a sus novelas de suspense como a sus relatos de terror. Desde muy joven se ha dedicado de lleno a la literatura y ha dis frutado de un éxito masivo al alcance de muy pocos escritores de la literatura actual. Tradu cido a 38 idiomas, ha publicado más de un cen tenar de títulos, varios de los cuales han sido n.º 1 de ventas de <i The New York Times</i , y en países de todo el mundo. Su última serie de no velas, protagonizada por la intrépida Jane Hawk y cuyo primer título es <i La red oscura</i , está con virtiéndose en un fenómeno editorial.


Fecha publicación 01-06-2009

Edición :

Número de páginas : 404

ISBN : 978-0-00-726755-2

Encuadernación: BOLSILLO RUSTICA

Tamaño:  0 x 0

Idioma: Inglés

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